最新情報はInstagramをご確認ください。Please check our Instagram for the latest information. @goose_hag
Stores that have recently sent candles💌🐣 As of April 2024
Please contact each store for availability☎️
Thank you all for everything🌙
Ebisu Japan @saltandpepper223
Melbourne, Perth Australia @lofi_store
Sydney Australia @pamstore_sydney
Melbourne Australia @pamstore_melb
Toront Canada / Los Angeles USA @bettergiftshop
New York USA @friendeditions
Seoul *2024 Seoul Living Design Fair Korea @redcloudy.co
Philadelphia USA @helloyowie
Auckland New Zealand @pennysage
Wondelgem Belguim @lerry_ceramics
Copenhagen Denmark @lagunecph
Ebisu Japan @saltandpepper223
Perth / Melbourne Australia @lofi_store